Thursday, April 1, 2010

Nominations, nominations, nominations

Any good realtor knows that the most important quality for a piece of real estate is location, location, location. Similarly, the most important contributor to the success of the NSGC’s governance is nominations, nominations, nominations!

I am the first NSGC President to be elected under the NSGC’s new governance model, wherein a slate of individuals is presented to the membership for ratification by a Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee is a group composed of both Board members and members-at-large. Anyone who is nominated (or self-nominated) will be considered by the committee through a rigorous evaluation process that includes a written application (remember those graduate school essays?) and a phone interview. The Committee proposes a slate of individuals selected for leadership skills and a balance of different points of view based on practice setting, specialty, and geographic region. The purpose, just like a job application, is to select individuals who have the qualities necessary to serve on an association Board; these qualities are difficult to assess through an election process that requires skimming a short bio about each candidate.

However, this process only works if members participate in the nominations process! If only the current NSGC leaders nominate people, the membership loses a critical opportunity to participate in the governance process. Again, all nominees will be evaluated using the same rigorous standards, and the Committee seriously considers the comments the nominator writes about the nominee.

Of course, the Membership Committee continues to evaluate the new governance model. I welcome your feedback about the governance model, and in the mean time, I strongly encourage you to nominate people with proven leadership skills. We can’t select the people you want to lead if you don’t nominate them. Visit this survey to submit your nomination:

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