Friday, March 25, 2011

Exploring Advanced Degree Options for Genetic Counselors

The Genetic Counseling Advanced Degree Taskforce (GCADT) was formed to explore possible advanced degree options for the genetic counseling profession. The GCADT is comprised of representatives from the American Board of Genetic Counseling, the National Society of Genetic Counselors, and the Association of Genetic Counseling Program Directors. Representatives from the Canadian Association of Genetic Counselors were invited to this meeting and attended as observers. The taskforce held its initial meeting on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 while at the American College of Medical Genetics annual educational conference.

A lengthy and robust discussion occurred and the group outlined plans to pursue capturing greater input about advanced degree options from the many stakeholders that would be affected. More information will be gathered and shared as steps are finalized including opportunities where GCADT will be asking for your input.

Thank you for your attention to this important professional discussion.

The Genetic Counseling Advanced Degree Task Force

American Board of Genetic Counseling: Deb Lochner Doyle, Holly Peay, and Sheila O'Neal
Association of Genetic Counseling Program Directors: Laura Conway, Casey Reiser, and Carol Walton
Canadian Association of Genetic Counselors: Carol Cremin
Canadian Certification Committee: Stephanie Kieffer
Canadian Genetic Counseling Programs: Jennifer Fitzpatrick
National Society of Genetic Counselors: Karin Dent and Meghan Carey

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nominate Yourself or a Colleague for the 2012 Board of Directors!

Are you interested in becoming a volunteer leader for the NSGC? Have you ever thought, “Why didn’t they ask me?” when you have much to contribute? Or, do you work with someone whose leadership skills would be as much of an asset to our society as they are to our profession? Have you wondered, “Why haven’t they been nominated for the NSGC Board?”

If so, it is time for you to nominate yourself, a respected colleague or mentor to the 2012 Board of Directors. Nominations open on March 4th. Your nomination is your voice in NSGC leadership, the governance of your society. We need you to identify excited individuals who will thoughtfully steer our organization through the challenges of the evolving healthcare field. Take the time to acknowledge your own leadership skills and talents or recognize those of your colleagues and mentors! Invite them to take on the challenge of representing and leading your professional organization by nominating them to the 2012 Board.

Every individual who is nominated and accepts the nomination is considered by the Nominating Committee (comprised of current Board members and two NSGC members at large). All nominated individuals submit answers to written interview questions then have a telephone interview with a member of the Nominating Committee. After all interviews are completed, the Nominating Committee has the difficult task of selecting a slate for the 2012 Board of Directors. The slate must round out a Board representing the diverse skills and talents of our members in conjunction with the leadership skills, professional experiences and interest required to guide our unique society. It is important to note that nominees not selected for the 2012 Board of Directors slate may be invited to participate in other volunteer leader positions if interested. These positions may include leadership of a committee or task force, or other opportunities within our busy organization.

Nominating yourself or a fellow NSGC member is easy. Simply click on the Member Center home page on the NSGC website (
and follow the link to the nominations page. You will be asked to enter the nominee’s name and your comments about the skills and experience the nominee (you or your colleague) would contribute to the NSGC Board of Directors.

Volunteering for the NSGC Board of Directors is a rewarding experience. I have found that embracing challenges presented in my Board service stretches me in new and different ways and has resulted in additional personal and professional growth. I have been able to apply the skills I have gained in the varied aspects of my clinical, research, and teaching career, and I believe they will help me in any future pursuit as well.